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Peak Tor Federation

Stanton in Peak C. of E. Primary School Governors

A big welcome from the governors here at Stanton in Peak C. of E. Primary School. Our school is federated with Rowsley C of E Primary School. This means that the two schools have a shared Headteacher and Governing Body which operates in the best interest of each school both jointly and individually. This brings many benefits to each school on a management level and allows the Governors to work as a larger team.

Peak Tor Federation Governing Body has 12 members varying from teachers, support staff, parents and members of the local community. We work as a team with the Executive Head Teacher for the benefit of all the pupils and staff at Stanton in Peak C. of E. Primary School.

All governors are volunteers and have a diverse background, from education to health, business management to the Church of England. We're here to give the school a strategic direction and to act as 'a critical friend' – helping to guide the school and to improve the standard of education for all our children.

We ensure that local and national government legislation and targets are met, that we spend our school budget wisely, that the safety of everyone is paramount, and that the curriculum is delivered to benefit all children.

Governors take an active role in the school, not only attending meetings, but also school functions, undertaking visits to classrooms and helping out with school visits.

If you want to contact us, then we'd be happy to hear from you; please contact Claire Mead, Clerk to Governing Body, at school or via e-mail


The Peak Tor Federation Governors are:

Chair of Governors

Adrian Thornhill

Chair of the Resource Management Committee

Rachel Allen-Ashcroft

Chair of the Curriculum and Learning Committee

Amanda Ibrahim

Executive Headteacher

Alexia Wyer



Mike Lilley 

Claire Hewitt 

Johnathan Figg

Thomas Hurford

Lee Webb

Matthew Isherwood

Margaret Lightowler-Cook

Marc Wagstaff


Clerk to Governors

Vacant - please contact Alexia Wyer if you are interested in this post

What do governors do?

School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education.

Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing board is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school. Time and time again Ofsted (the national inspection body for schools) has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management - including by the governing board.

School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Governors appoint the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher. It is governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools, and it is governors who work with the Headteacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources.

Each individual governor is a member of a governing board, which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing board; decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing board.

The role of each governor is to contribute to the governing body to ensure high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the school by:

  • Setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

How do I become a governor?

There are different categories of governors and they are appointed or selected in different ways.

The Peak Tor Federation currently has 14 governors. The term of office for all governors is 4 years. The governing body is made up of:

  • 2 Parent governors     
  • 1 Local Authority governor   
  • 1 Staff governor
  • 1 Headteacher
  • 3 Foundation governors
  • 6 co-opted governors

Parent governors believe parents should have a say in matters affecting their children’s education. Parent governors represent and are elected by other parents. Staff governors represent and are elected by the staff at the school. Staff governors have an interest in all the children’s future. The Headteacher is also part of the governing body and is there to contribute to all the strategic decisions that the school’s governing team must make. Local Authority governors are appointed by the Local Authority and are there because they have a desire to make a difference. The Foundation governors are appointed by the Derby Diocesan Board of Education following nominations received from Rowsley St. Katherine Parochial Church Council. Foundation governors support and promote the Christian ethos of the school. Co-opted governors are recruited and appointed by the Governing Body to contribute skills and experience to the governing team.

If you are interested in become a governor, the first step is to talk to Mrs Wyer, or you can contact by email at