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After School Club

Peak Tor Federation After School Club

General Information

Peak Tor Federation After School Club is staffed by 2 members of staff at all times. 

The club is run at Rowsley Primary School.

Club Times/Costs

The club sessions are from Monday to Thursday during term time.

Sessions for Stanton-in-Peak Primary School children run from 3pm until 5.30pm.  They can be booked for a session finishing at 4.30pm or the whole session finishing at 5.30pm.  A session from 3.00pm till 4.30pm including transport from Stanton to Rowsley, costs £6.50 per session.  A whole session, including transport and a snack, costs £12 per session. 

If childcare is needed until 6pm it can be arranged but has to be booked in advance and is an extra £5.00


Children will be transported from Stanton-in-Peak Primary School to Rowsley Primary by a member of staff from After School Club or school. The member of staff will collect the children from the playground. The car will have full business insurance to cover transporting children from one school to the other. Car seats/ boosters will be provided where necessary for the children to use.


The club will offer a variety of activities at each session with the intention of providing enjoyment for all attending e.g. Craft, Board Games, Lego, Card Games, Jigsaws and Outdoor Games.


Snacks will be provided for the children that are staying for the whole session. Snacks will consist of a selection from the following: crackers, cheese, raisins, fruit, crumpets with butter/jam, bagels and pancakes. The above is just an example of the things that will be offered. Squash and water will be provided.


Invoices will be sent out half termly at the end of each half term for sessions that have been booked.

Payment will need to be made within 7 days of invoice date. Payment can be made by either cash or cheque ( cheques made payable to DCC).

Payment can also be made using tax free childcare as this reduces parents After School Club bills by 20%. ( parents can check their eligibility by going on

Parents who have vouchers through their work can let us know who they are with and we can register so parents can use them to pay.

First Aid

The After School Club will always have at least 1 staff member with a full first aid certificate. The staff will follow the Federations first aid policy when required. All first aid will be recorded in a First Aid book.

Booking Policy


All children who attend must be registered. Registration costs £10.00 per child. Forms are available from the school office or via e-mail

Regular Bookings

Parents should complete the booking form (available from the school office) ticking the sessions required for each half term. Forms can be returned via the school office or email (

Ad-hoc bookings

You can book week by week or for several weeks at a time, whichever is best for you. Sessions can also be booked on an ad-hoc basis, via text or email, subject to spaces being available.

Parents should complete the booking form or e-mail or text their bookings. Last minute bookings you should call school to ensure that there is a space available.