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The impact of learning is measured many ways: standardised tests, informal assessments, discussions between staff and subject leaders, book moderations etc. We believe and treat all of our students as individuals and as such they will each bring and take something different away from each lesson. Our staff adapt each lesson as best they can to suit the needs of each and every pupil in their care, including SEND and disadvantaged pupils.

In Reading, SPaG and maths pupils attainment is measured through standardised tests carried out three times per year. Pupil progress meetings are then carried out to determine how we can best adapt our teaching and/or curriculum in order to support all children in our care. 

A strategic overview is kept by the school’s curriculum leader and the effectiveness of the curriculum is reviewed regularly in leadership and Governors’ meetings. Assessments and discussions made by staff and overseen by subject leaders so that pupil progress and outcomes can be quality assured. Time is given during staff meetings and INSET days to ensure their great priority is given to the quality and accuracy of our curriculum assessments and teaching. Consequently, discussions and assessment information will be used to adapt and change the curriculum as necessary to meet specific cohort’s needs. Views of parents, children and Governors are sought regularly and this information contributes to monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum. Additionally, time has been given to ensure that subject leaders feel fully supported through training and research and that they have time to plan,and assess their subject area.