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British Values & SMSC

British Values

At Stanton-in-Peak Church of England Primary School we think it is important that British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs are explicitly planned, taught and promoted in school to ensure our pupils become valuable and fully rounded members of society. We expect our pupils to treat others with respect and leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. 

British Values

  • The Rule of Law
  • Democracy
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs

The British values are embedded throughout all teaching across the curriculum.  It is supported through our five school values (love, respect, compassion, belonging and faith) and our school vision.  It is further emphasised through theme weeks such as anti-bullying week. Pupils have opportunities to practice democracy through electing school councillors and voting on whole school decisions such as lunch time activities and which charities we will support. Cultural development is achieved through carefully planned curriculum topics where children learn about and celebrate different cultures. For the past five years, the school has had a partnership with Cemetry Primary school in Kolkata, India. Two of our teachers, Mrs Wyer and Mr Figg have been lucky enough to travel to India each year to help train the teachers who work in some of the poorest, most deprived schools in the world. Our children at Stanton-in-Peak have been able to follow their journey and communicate with the pupils of Cemetry School via letters and videos. As a school we have also raised funds to help fund food, uniform and resources for the children in Kolkata. Our RE curriculum ensures that our pupils are learning about different religions and about the importance of respecting each and every faith.

Please select the British Values section for more information: