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We believe that it is important for pupils, parents, governors and staff to have their voices heard. One example of our democracy in action is via stakeholder surveys, for example all stakeholders were asked their views when we created our new school Christian vision and values, another is when we sought parents and pupils views on the recent homeschooling to see how we could improve.  We also ensure that we elect our School Council members each year. This reflects our British electoral system;  the prospective candidates make speeches; all pupils reflect on what personal characteristics are important for their class representatives to have.  Following this, they vote and the individuals with the majority are elected. In the past the School Council has decided on playground equipment for both indoor and outdoor, and have given feedback to curriculum leaders on the curriculum.

Other examples of how we promote the values of democracy, including ‘pupil voice’ are:

  • Children agree the school values.
  • Children create and agree to the school prayer yearly.
  • Children take part in a questionnaire so that they can put forward their views of the school
  • Children are given the opportunity to vote on specific issues e.g the choice of films to watch, how their class will spend their Golden Time, to choose appropriate rewards for their class.
  • Children take part in enterprise projects which support democracy skills.
  • Children’s opinions are sought on the extra areas of study as part of our creative curriculum.