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We invite anyone wishing to enrol their child to our wonderful school is welcome to come and look round with Mrs Wyer (headteacher) or Mr Figg (deputy headteacher). Please call the school office or email to arrange a visit.

Please see our Admissions Policy on our Policies page if you are considering our school for your child. Visits to the school are very welcome and applications for places can be made via the Local Authority

Phone: 01629 537479


Additional Information about Admissions

Stanton-in-Peak Church of England Primary School admits pupils at the start of the September term following their fourth birthday. Applications for a place are made through the Local authority and a form should be completed and returned by a specified date proceeding the school academic year. Forms are available at  If applying electronically is not suitable, parents need to contact Admissions at County and a paper copy can be sent to them. (All details are on the Derbyshire County Council’s Web page). Visits are arranged for the parents of new starters and their children.

The Pupil Admission number (PAN) is 10 with the school’s capacity set by County at 80 pupils in total.

Where applications for admissions exceed the number of places, the following criteria set out by Derbyshire County Council will apply:

  1. ‘Looked After Children’
  2. Children living in the local parish at the time of starting
  3. Children living outside the area, but who have siblings in school
  4. Children whose parents request a place on religious grounds
  5. Other children whose parents have requested a place

If a parent is unsuccessful in applying for a place they can appeal to an independent committee.

Parents may make a request to defer their child’s entry until later in the school year. However entry cannot be deferred beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted.

The Headteacher and Governors will manage all requests for delayed and/or part-time admission as we manage other parental requests, balancing the needs of the child and the wishes of the parent(s) with the school’s capacity to accommodate those needs and wishes.

Further information and guidance for parents can be found at Derbyshire County Council’s website.