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Hero Design Chicken

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

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    Published 05/06/24

    We are immensely proud to announce that in our recent Ofsted inspection in May 2024 we attained an Outstanding grading! Please see the report and covering letter attached. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we have! 

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  • Year 5/6 Hockey

    Published 21/03/24

    Our Year 5s and 6s competed in the cluster sports hockey tournament at Tideswell this afternoon. We entered two teams and both played exceptionally well. Our Stags lost out on a place in the semifinals on goal difference, while our Sharks finished 3rd overall after narrowly losing their final match. Both teams showed great levels of passion and teamwork throughout the afternoon. Well done year 5/6s!

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  • World Book Day

    Published 21/03/24

    We celebrated World Book Day on 7th March by dressing as characters from our favourite books! Our school council also organised some games for th rest of the school! In the afternoon was Forest School and our children took their favourite book into the woods to read in nature!

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  • We have achieved the Bronze Bert Award!

    Published 21/03/24

    Building Effective Relationships Together (BERT) Award


    We are proud to announce that we have achieved the Bronze BERT Award. Part of the work towards the award has been further developing our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) provision, further developing positive relationships in the school community and reducing stigma around asking for help and support on sensitive issues, such as puberty, body image and online friendships. We feel very strongly that when children have good friendships and connections with others, it supports their safety, mental health and wellbeing. This then has a positive impact on their ability to take part in lessons and to achieve well in their learning.

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  • Mr Figg has arrived in India!

    Published 27/01/24

    Mr Figg has arrived in India!

    Go to our India Link page for more details. 

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  • Mr Figg goes to India!

    Published 27/01/24

    Mr Figg has gone to visit our link school in Kolkata. He will be away from 26th January 2024 and will be back on Sunday 4th January 2024. Follow ur India page here for more information and to follow his blog!

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  • Year 5/6 Lea Green Residential - June 2023

    Published 30/06/23
    Year 5/6 Lea Green Residential - June 2023  
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