Religious Education
RE helps pupils understand where values overlap and where they diverge and hence the basis for the tensions that can arise between and sometimes within faiths. It can help them understand the tensions that can arise between faith and other legally established rights, such as the rights of women and rights relating to sexuality. Done well, RE allows pupils to understand how their own faith or beliefs relate to the wider world, both in terms of attitudes and the prevailing law. This is, therefore, about making sure that young people have the knowledge to make their own informed decisions. The explicit, academic study of religious and non-religious world views provides an opportunity to develop a range of specific and transferable skills. These skills include analysing a range of primary and secondary sources, understanding symbolic language, using technical terminology effectively, interpreting meaning and significance, empathy, respectful critique of beliefs and positions, recognising bias and stereotypes and representing views other than one’s own with accuracy. In preparing for adult life, pupils need to learn to respond well to a local, national and global landscape of religion and belief diversity. This need is more urgent now than ever. (Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus 2020 - 25)
At Stanton-in-Peak we follow both the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus for RE and also Understanding Christianity to give our pupils a wide range of experiences and topics as they progress through our school. We use a variety of sources and welcome visits and visitors to help enrich our understanding of world religions and the world around us.
Romans 15:7
Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.