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Hero Design Chicken

School Uniform

Our school uniform is changing from September 2024 to include our new school logo and the colour has also changed to 'bottle green' instead of 'blue'. We have also changed uniform suppliers and the uniform is now slightly cheaper, plus uniform bundles can now be created to save even more money. School also accepts uniform without a logo. We will have a year-long transition where pupils can wear either the old or new coloured/logoed uniform. 

Please see the letter attached for more details regarding this change.

Our new school uniform will be as follows:

· Bottle green sweatshirt/cardigan – plain or with the school logo

· Bottle green hoodie (for PE and Forest School- optional)

· Grey/black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore

· Forest green gingham summer dress

· White or green polo shirt with a collar – plain or with the school logo

· White long or short sleeved school shirt

· Plain grey, black or white socks or black or grey tights

· Plain black shoes

· PE kit with black/navy shorts and a school PE T shirt (white or green plain or with logo)

· Children may also wish to have black/navy jogging bottoms and a black/navy sweatshirt for outdoor PE

· Trainers


Order school uniform here