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At Stanton-in-Peak C of E Primary School we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. We aim to help our children foster a love of the sciences through hands on activities, developing curiosity about the world and discovering knowledge for themselves. We encourage the children to ask questions and think critically in Science lessons and aim to encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provide opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence.

Our bespoke curriculum is built around three areas of knowledge, which are plants and animals, the world around us and materials

In EYFS, science is taught as part of the “Understanding the World” strand of learning, with a mixture of continuous provision activities and adult-led learning. From Year 1 onwards we adopt a more formal approach from in which the children are expected to present their findings in different ways. 

"Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them." (Palm 111:2)


Science immerses children with experiences that engage their minds with natural phenomena. It sparks deep curiosity and inquisitiveness where children are compelled to ask questions such as ‘Why?’ and ‘How?’ It allows hands-on opportunities to conduct different forms of enquiry which stimulate creative and critical thinking. Our children develop positive attitudes and an increased understanding of the world that surrounds them. They gain an insight in to the role of a scientist and appreciate the way science affects their future on a personal, national and global level. We aim to ensure that all pupils:

  •  develop scientific knowledge through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
  • develop skills in order to help them work scientifically
  • develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them

 are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

Implementation Planning and teaching:

Each term knowledge objectives are carefully picked from the national curriculum and where appropriate, linked to our topic as we believe that making links and providing context is key to making learning stick. Teachers then decide which method of scientific enquiry will best enable children to build new learning. Tasks are designed to be open-ended- allowing a variety of responses. Through questioning and discussion children are encouraged to interrogate their current knowledge and construct new understanding. We use of range of groupings (age, ability or mixed ability) and provide resources of different complexity, tasks of increasing difficulty and teaching support, where appropriate to best match individual ability and task outcomes.

Equal Opportunities and SEN: 

All children in our school are valued. All lessons need to be carefully differentiated to ensure that all children’s needs are met. IEPs are written for children with specific needs and they are supported through differentiation, both within class and in withdrawal groups (when appropriate). Class teacher’s use: additional resources; differentiated tasks and outcomes; and various different teaching approaches to ensure that every child’s learning is support in the appropriate way. Use of ICT: As with all subjects, ICT should be used to inspire, support, consolidate and extend children’s thinking, knowledge, understanding and skills in science throughout the school. Use of the outdoors: As a school we strongly believe that the outdoors can enrich learning by providing experiences that promote personal growth, resilience, problem solving and the ability acquire knowledge and understanding about the life processes and the world around them. As a result, we endeavour to use the outdoors where it will enhance the quality of teaching and learning for our students.

Impact Monitoring and Assessment: 

Children should self-assess during individual lessons or group of lessons against the learning objectives and success criteria displayed by their teachers. Staff should assess the children’s work and progress using ongoing observations and marking throughout each lesson – this will inform future planning, ensuring that the children know what they are required to do next and that activities are appropriate to the learning needs of each child. Children in KS1 and LS2 are assessed against the learning outcomes highlighted in the National Curriculum. Children’s progress and attainment are reported to parents annually as part of a written report. In EYFS the children are assess against the EYFSP.